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New York, NY 10005

Parole in Place for Spouses Sons and Daughter’s-in-Law of U.S. Citizens

Biden's New Immigration Reform to Enhance Family Unity and Pathways to Citizenship - Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu

The landscape of immigration policy continues to evolve.  The recent announcement by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regarding a new process (Parole in Place) to promote family unity has sparked hope and anticipation among many individuals and families. Driven by President Biden’s commitment to fostering unity and stability for families, this initiative offers a […]

What are the E2 Visa Requirements? 7 Essentials to Know in NYC 2024

What are the E2 Visa Requirements 7 Essentials to Know in NYC 2024 - Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu

Dreaming of pursuing your entrepreneurial aspirations in the vibrant city of New York City? The E-2 Treaty Investor visa might be your key to unlocking the American dream. This visa category allows nationals of countries with a treaty of commerce and navigation (E-2 treaty) with the United States to establish and operate a business in […]

EB1C Processing Time in 2024: Green Card EB1C Processing Time

EB1C Processing Time in 2024 Green Card EB1C Processing Time - Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu

In the dynamic landscape of U.S. immigration, securing an EB1C green card in 2024 demands thorough preparation and understanding of the EB1C processing time. This guide, courtesy of the Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu, is designed to shed light on the EB1C visa application process, highlighting key timelines and offering strategic advice to streamline your journey […]

How Long Does it Take to Get a Green Card After Marriage?

How Long Does it Take to Get a Green Card After Marriage - Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu

When love transcends borders, marriage doesn’t just unite two hearts, but also kicks off a journey towards the dream of a life together in the United States. One of the most pressing questions for binational couples is: how long does it take to get a green card after marriage? While the journey is rich with […]

Can I Apply for U.S. Citizenship After 3 Years of Green Card?

Can I Apply for U.S. Citizenship After 3 Years of Green Card - Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu

For many people­ living in the United States, be­coming a citizen is a big deal. If you have a gre­en card and you are married to an Ame­rican citizen, you can apply for citizenship after only thre­e years. This is faster than the­ normal way. The journey from gree­n card holder to U.S. citizen marks […]

How Much Does it Cost to Get a Green Card with a Lawyer in NYC?

How Much Does it Cost to Get a Green Card with a Lawyer in NYC

Obtaining a green card in New York can be an overwhelming process, especially when it comes to the costs and legal fees involved. To help you navigate this process, this blog post will discuss the various costs associated with hiring a green card lawyer in New York City to handle your immigration case. Knowing these […]

EB1A Visa Guide: EB1A processing time, Steps, Cost and Requirements in New York

EB1A Visa Guide EB1A processing time, Steps, Cost and Requirements in New York - Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu

Thinking about obtaining a green card but want to avoid lengthy processing times? The EB-1A visa category might be the perfect solution! This visa is specifically designed for foreign nationals of extraordinary ability in their field, offering a fast track to permanent residency in the United States. The current average EB1A processing time can vary […]

How Much Does an Immigration Lawyer Cost in New York City?

What are the Immigration Attorney Fees in New York City | Cost of Immigration Lawyer - Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu

Thinking about getting a lawyer for your immigration issues? It’s crucial to think about the immigration attorney fees. How much you’ll need to pay can really differ. It depends on how complicated your case is and how experienced your lawyer is. In this article, we’ll share some basics about the usual cost for an average […]

NYC EB1B Processing Time, Criteria, and Costs: 2024 Complete Guide

NYC EB1B Processing Time, Criteria, and Costs - Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu

Travelaing through the­ US immigration system can be hard. This is espe­cially true for the EB1B visa. EB1B is for amazing professors and re­searchers. Normally, EB1B processing time varies between 4 and 7 months. How long it take­s depends a lot on which USCIS Service­ Center is working on your case. It also de­pends on […]

How Do I Find a Good Immigration Lawyer in New York, NYC 2024?

How Do I Find a Good Immigration Lawyer in New York, NYC 2024

New York City attracts pe­ople worldwide. But for those wanting to live­ in NYC permanently, understanding immigration laws can fe­el confusing. Getting a good immigration lawyer in Ne­w York City is vital for a smooth and successful process. This guide will he­lp you find the best immigration lawyer for your ne­eds in 2024. Why You […]

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