+1 (347) 907-1248

Mo-Fri 9am-6pm

140 Broadway 46th 4615,
New York, NY 10005

Best Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer NYC

We will represent and advocate for those immigrants facing deportation from the United States

If you’re seeking the counsel of a robust domestic violence defense attorney NYC, our law firm has an exceptional team of dv lawyers New York City, committed to providing you with expert legal guidance and representation.

Navigating Domestic Violence Laws in NYC

Domestic violence is a serious issue and can lead to significant civil and criminal penalties. It requires an experienced domestic violence defense lawyer New York to navigate the sophisticated legal system. Our attorneys understand the seriousness of such allegations and the critical need to mount a vigorous defense.

Comprehensive Legal Approach

As one of the best domestic violence lawyer NYC firms, we offer a comprehensive approach, focusing on:

  1. Understanding your circumstances: Every case is unique, and our dv lawyers New York City will analyze the specifics of your situation, ensuring no aspect remains unexplored.
  2. Building a strong defense: We use our expertise and experience to create a robust defense strategy that fully addresses the charges against you.
  3. Navigating court procedures: The legal procedures surrounding domestic violence cases can be complex. As your domestic violence defense attorney NYC, we will guide you through it, ensuring all your legal documents are prepared accurately and submitted on time.

Accused of Domestic Violence? Act Fast!

Best Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer NYC | Domestic Violence Defense Attorney NYC - Rusu Law

Swift action is essential when facing domestic violence charges. Our domestic violence defense lawyer New York team understands the urgency to defend your rights and reputation.

Case Study Approach

By applying a case study approach, our best domestic violence lawyer NYC can analyze previous cases to draw insights and precedents that may help shape your case strategy. Historical case study evaluation assists us in anticipating possible scenarios and arguments, equipping us to build a resilient defense for you.

Your Story Matters

We believe your side of the story needs to be thoroughly heard and understood – no details are too insignificant. As your domestic violence defense lawyer New York, we take into account any alienated context or misunderstood actions that can reshape the narrative and influence the outcome of your case.

Beyond the Courtroom – Building a Support Network

Dealing with domestic violence charges impacts more than just your legal status—it can have emotional and social consequences. As experienced dv lawyers New York City, we recognize this aspect and strive to help you build a support network during this challenging time.

What Makes Us The Best Domestic Violence Lawyer NYC

Choosing the right domestic violence defense attorney NYC can significantly affect your case results. At our law firm, we offer:

  1. Experienced and skilled defense attorneys: Our lawyers, skilled in New York’s domestic violence laws, provide invaluable guidance, ensuring your rights are protected.
  2. Confidentiality: We understand the sensitive nature of domestic violence cases. All information shared with us is kept strictly confidential.
  3. Attentive to your needs: Our best domestic violence lawyer NYC are very attentive and maintain open lines of communication with our clients.

Our Reputation

Renowned for our unwavering commitment and relentless pursuit of justice, we have grown to become a go-to domestic violence defense attorney NYC firm. Our reputation speaks for the quality of our services and our dedication to every case.

Client Testimonials

Our clients’ testimonials attest to our prowess as domestic violence defense lawyer New York and our keen sense of understanding, compassion, and professionalism in the face of challenging circumstances.

Final Thoughts

Facing domestic violence charges can be extremely challenging. It’s critical to engage a domestic violence defense attorney NYC in order to navigate the New York legal system efficiently. Our domestic violence defense lawyer New York team is here to provide the needed legal defense in such difficult times. Whether you’re looking for dv lawyers New York City or the best domestic violence lawyer NYC, we offer a combination of experience, dedication, and a keen understanding of New York domestic violence laws. Contact us today, and let’s kick-start the journey to securing your rights.


How do I get a domestic violence case dismissed in NYC?

To get a domestic violence case dismissed in NYC, if evidence suggests the accuser was the aggressor, and the defendant acted in self-defense, charges may be dismissed.

What is the domestic violence rate in New York City?

In 2022, DCJS reported 39,224 domestic violence victims in New York City. New statistics are not updated yet.

Which US state has the highest domestic violence rate?

Statistical data changes over time, but states like Oklahoma have historically reported higher rates of domestic violence compared to others in the U.S.

Which type of abuse is the hardest to detect?

Emotional or psychological abuse is often considered the hardest to detect.

What are the 3 common conditions mistaken for abuse?

Three common conditions that might be mistaken for abuse include bruising, fractures and head injuries.

Which type of abuse is the easiest to detect?

Physical abuse is generally the easiest to detect due to visible injuries such as bruises, cuts, burns, or fractures.

What type of abuse is fondling?

Fondling is considered a form of sexual abuse. 

Find More About Domestic Violence In Our Articles

We promise to provide the best solution for your problem

We will support you throughout the entire process

We won't make false promises and will be honest

We will provide confidentiality, you're safe with us

Let us analyze your case

Throughout the consultation, we will meticulously examine the details of your case, leaving no aspect unexplored.

By employing a thorough approach, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique circumstances and offer tailored recommendations and solutions.

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