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Motion to Reopen Immigration Case How Long?

Motion to Reopen Immigration Case How Long? Rusu Law

Have you ever wondered how long it takes for a motion to reopen an immigration case? The process of reopening an immigration case can be complex and time-consuming, often leaving individuals in a state of uncertainty. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of filing a motion to reopen and explore the various factors that affect the timeline. By understanding the process, you can set realistic expectations and navigate the system more effectively.

Understanding the Motion to Reopen

A motion to reopen is a legal request made to the immigration court to revisit a previously closed or completed immigration case. The purpose of this motion is to present new evidence, legal arguments, or changes in circumstances that may warrant a reconsideration of the case. It provides an opportunity for individuals to present a compelling case for why their situation should be reevaluated.

To be eligible to file a motion to reopen, certain criteria must be met. These criteria typically include a time limit within which the motion must be filed, demonstration of a valid basis for reopening the case, and compliance with any additional requirements set by the immigration court.

Reasons for Filing a Motion to Reopen

There are several reasons why individuals may choose to file a motion to reopen their immigration case. These reasons include:

Change in Circumstances

If there has been a significant change in circumstances since the case was closed, such as a new job offer, a medical condition, or a change in the political situation in the individual’s home country, a motion to reopen may be warranted. It allows the person to present updated information that may affect the outcome of their case.

New Evidence or Legal Arguments

The discovery of new evidence or the identification of previously overlooked legal arguments can be grounds for filing a motion to reopen. This could include documents, witness statements, or expert opinions that were not available during the initial proceedings. By presenting this new evidence, individuals aim to persuade the court to reconsider their case.

Reasons for Filing a Motion to Reopen by Rusu Law

Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

If individuals believe they received ineffective assistance from their previous legal representative, they may file a motion to reopen based on this ground. They must demonstrate that their previous attorney’s performance fell below the standard of competent representation, and this deficiency resulted in prejudice or harm to their case.

Initial Steps in Filing a Motion to Reopen

Before filing a motion to reopen, certain initial steps need to be taken:

Gathering Necessary Documents and Evidence

To support the motion, individuals must gather all relevant documents, evidence, and information that strengthen their case. This could include updated personal information, supporting affidavits, medical records, employment offers, or any other evidence that substantiates the need for reopening the case.

Finding Legal Representation if Needed

Navigating the immigration system can be complex, and seeking legal assistance is highly recommended. If individuals do not have legal representation, they should consider finding an experienced immigration attorney who can guide them through the process, help prepare a strong motion, and represent their interests effectively.

Filing the Motion with the Appropriate Immigration Court

Once all necessary documentation is collected and legal representation is secured if needed, individuals must file the motion with the appropriate immigration court. The motion must adhere to the court’s specific requirements, including filing deadlines, format, and any additional supporting documents that may be necessary.

Processing and Review of the Motion

After the motion to reopen is filed, it goes through a processing and review stage within the immigration court system. The following aspects are involved in this stage:

Timeline for Acknowledgment of the Motion

The immigration court typically acknowledges the receipt of the motion within a certain timeframe. This acknowledgment indicates that the motion is in the system and awaiting further review. The specific time frame can vary depending on various factors, including the court’s workload, staffing, and administrative processes.

Factors Affecting the Processing Time

Several factors can influence the processing time of a motion to reopen. The complexity of the case, the availability of immigration judges, the backlog of cases in the court, and the workload of court personnel can all contribute to the length of the process. It is important to note that each case is unique, and processing times can vary significantly.

Review of the Motion by an Immigration JudgeOnce the motion to reopen is acknowledged, it is assigned to an immigration judge for review. The judge carefully examines the motion, supporting documents, and any arguments presented by the petitioner. The judge considers the merits of the case and evaluates whether the motion meets the legal requirements for reopening.

During the review process, the judge may request additional evidence or clarification from the petitioner or their legal representative. This is done to ensure a thorough and fair assessment of the case. It is crucial for individuals to promptly respond to any requests for additional information to avoid unnecessary delays.

Motion to reopen immigration case how long

Possible Outcomes of a Motion to Reopen

After reviewing the motion, the immigration judge will reach a decision regarding its outcome. The possible outcomes of a motion to reopen include:

Approval and Reopening of the Case

If the judge finds the motion persuasive and determines that the requirements for reopening are met, they may grant the motion. This leads to the reopening of the immigration case, allowing the petitioner to present their case again and potentially obtain a different outcome.

Denial of the Motion

If the judge concludes that the motion does not meet the legal criteria for reopening, they may deny the motion. This means that the case will remain closed, and the previous decision will stand. However, it is important to note that a denial does not necessarily mean the end of all legal avenues. There may be other options available, such as appealing the decision or exploring alternative relief.

Request for Additional Evidence or Clarification

In some cases, the judge may request additional evidence or clarification before making a final decision. This indicates that the judge sees potential merit in the motion but requires further information to make an informed judgment. It is crucial for individuals to promptly comply with these requests to ensure a favorable outcome.

Factors Affecting the Length of the Process

The length of time it takes for a motion to reopen an immigration case can vary based on several factors. These factors include:

Case Complexity

The complexity of the case plays a significant role in the processing time. Cases involving multiple legal issues, extensive evidence, or complex legal arguments may require more time for review and evaluation.

Court Backlog and Caseload

Immigration courts often face significant backlogs due to the high volume of cases they handle. The number of pending cases and the limited availability of immigration judges can contribute to delays in processing motions to reopen.

Availability of Immigration Judge’s Time

The availability of immigration judges also impacts the timeline. Judges have busy schedules and may need to allocate their time to various cases, hearings, and administrative tasks. This availability can affect the speed at which motions to reopen are reviewed and decided upon.

Realistic Expectations and Patience

When filing a motion to reopen an immigration case, it is essential to have realistic expectations and exercise patience. The process can be lengthy and unpredictable, and it is important to stay informed and prepared. Keeping open lines of communication with legal representation, following up with the court, and staying updated on any developments can help individuals navigate the process more effectively.

Seeking Legal Assistance for a Motion to Reopen

Given the complexity and importance of a motion to reopen, it is highly advisable to seek the guidance of an experienced immigration attorney. An attorney who specializes in immigration law can provide invaluable assistance throughout the process. They can assess the strengths and weaknesses of the case, gather relevant evidence, prepare a persuasive motion, and represent the individual’s interests before the immigration court.

Finding reputable legal professionals can be done through various channels. Seeking recommendations from trusted sources, conducting thorough research, and reviewing attorney credentials and client reviews can help identify competent and reliable immigration attorneys.


The timeline for a motion to reopen an immigration case is influenced by several factors, including case complexity, court backlog, and the availability of immigration judges. While it is natural to desire a swift resolution, it is important to understand that the process takes time. By familiarizing yourself with the steps involved, setting realistic expectations, and seeking legal assistance, you can navigate the motion to reopen process more effectively.

Filing a motion to reopen is a complex legal process that requires in-depth knowledge of immigration law and procedures. It is highly recommended to work with an experienced immigration attorney who can assess the merits of your case, guide you through the moving process, and advocate for your interests. That’s why you should choose the Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu. At the Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu, our dedicated team of immigration attorneys will ensure that all necessary documents are properly prepared, legal arguments are effectively presented, and procedural requirements are met.


1. Can I file a motion to reopen my immigration case on my own without legal representation? Filing a motion to reopen without legal representation is possible, but it is highly recommended to seek the guidance of an experienced immigration attorney. They can help you understand the legal requirements, gather necessary evidence, and present a strong case on your behalf.

2. What is the time limit for filing a motion to reopen an immigration case? The time limit for filing a motion to reopen varies depending on the circumstances and the specific immigration court. It is crucial to consult with an immigration attorney who can guide you regarding the applicable deadlines in your case.

3. Can I file a motion to reopen based on new evidence that emerged after my case was closed? Yes, presenting new evidence that was not available during the initial proceedings can be a valid basis for filing a motion to reopen. It is important to gather and submit this evidence along with your motion to support your request for reconsideration.

4. How long does it typically take for an immigration judge to review a motion to reopen? The time it takes for an immigration judge to review a motion to reopen can vary based on factors such as case complexity, court backlog, and the judge’s availability. It is advisable to consult with an immigration attorney who can provide more specific information based on your circumstances.

5. What happens if my motion to reopen is denied? If your motion to reopen is denied, it means that the previous decision stands, and your case remains closed. However, there may be other legal options available, such as appealing the decision or exploring alternative relief. Consulting with an immigration attorney can help you understand your options and determine the best course of action.

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