How Long Does Temporary Protected Status Last?

Welcome to our guide on Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and its duration. If you or someone you know is a TPS beneficiary or considering applying for TPS, understanding the length of this protection is crucial. In this article, we will explain the ins and outs of TPS duration, including extensions, terminations, and the potential path […]
What Does Temporary Protected Status Mean?

Introduction Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is a critical immigration relief program offered by the United States government. It provides temporary legal status and protection to foreign nationals who are unable to return to their home countries due to ongoing armed conflicts, natural disasters, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions that would pose a threat to […]
How to Apply for Temporary Protected Status?

Introduction Welcome to our guide on how to apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). If you’re in the United States and facing a temporary crisis in your home country that makes it unsafe for you to return, TPS can provide you with temporary relief from deportation and work authorization. In this article, we’ll walk you […]