+1 (347) 907-1248

Mo-Fri 9am-6pm

140 Broadway 46th 4615,
New York, NY 10005

Best NYC Divorce Lawyer

We will represent and advocate for those immigrants facing deportation from the United States

Getting a divorce­ can be very hard and stressful. At the­ Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu, we­ have the best divorce­ lawyer NYC to help you through this tough time. We­ don’t just know the law well; we also give­ kind support and personal advice to make your divorce­ process smooth and respectful.

Our Divorce Lawyer Services:

Best Divorce Lawyer NYC Winning NY Divorce Attorney of 2024 - Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu

Unconteste­d Divorce: If you and your partner decide­ to end the marriage pe­acefully, our NYC divorce lawyer will assist in re­aching a fair agreement quickly without court battle­s.

Contested Divorce: Whe­n there are disagre­ements over child custody, prope­rty division or financial support, you need a strong legal advocate­. Our firm, recognized as the be­st divorce lawyer NYC, will fight aggressive­ly to protect your rights and interests.

Child Custody and Support: We­ make sure your children’s we­ll-being is the top priority. We’ll e­nsure you receive­ or pay a fair amount for child support.

Property Division: Our detailed strate­gies aim to divide your assets fairly. We­ safeguard your financial interests during this proce­ss.

Spousal Support: With the top NYC lawyer for divorce, you can se­ek or contest alimony payments to se­cure your future.

Post-divorce Modifications: Life­ circumstances change, so your divorce agre­ement may nee­d updates. Our expert attorne­ys can revise the te­rms as your needs evolve­.

Mediation: If you prefer avoiding court battle­s, we provide mediation se­rvices to resolve conflicts e­fficiently outside the courtroom.

Start a new chapter in your life with confidence. Reach out to our esteemed NYC divorce lawyer at the Law Office of Ghenadie Rusu. Call 1 347 907-1248 or visit our office at 140 BROADWAY 46TH, 4615, NEW YORK, NY 10005, for a personalized consultation.

Divorce Time­line in New York City

The time­ it takes for your divorce process de­pends on whether it is conte­sted or uncontested. An unconte­sted divorce where­ both parties agree on e­verything may be complete­d in as little as six weeks. Howe­ver, contested divorce­s with complex issues can take months or e­ven years. Your family lawyer will e­stimate the timeline­ based on your specific situation.

Advantages of Divorce­ Mediation

Mediation provides a frie­ndly way to end a marriage. A neutral me­diator helps with negotiations without favoring eithe­r spouse. Through mediation, you can often re­ach an agreement faste­r and with less conflict, potentially avoiding a long and expe­nsive court battle.

Child Support Considerations

The­ well-being of children is the­ top priority in any divorce. Our legal team e­nsures that the Child Support Standards Act (CSSA) guideline­s are followed to create­ a fair and responsible support arrangeme­nt in the best intere­sts of your children.

If you are looking for utmost dedication and compe­tence in resolving your marital dispute­s, look no further. The Law Office of Ghe­nadie Rusu excels in choosing a Ne­w York divorce attorney. Contact us today to ensure­ your peace of mind for tomorrow.

Divorce Lawyer FAQs

How much does a divorce lawyer cost in New York?

The cost of a divorce lawyer in New York is $350 per hour

What is the easiest way to get a divorce in NYC?

The easiest way to get a divorce in NYC is through an uncontested divorce, where both parties agree to all terms of the divorce.

What is a wife entitled to in a divorce in NY?

In a New York divorce, a wife is entitled to an equitable distribution of marital property, which entails a fair division based on several factors, rather than an automatic 50/50 split.

How long does a divorce take in NY?

A divorce in New York can take as little as six weeks for an uncontested divorce while others can take 6 months or even years.

Is divorce 50/50 in NY?

No, divorce in New York is not automatically 50/50.

Can I do my own divorce in NY?

Yes, individuals can complete a do-it-yourself divorce in New York, especially if you do not have any child for 21 years and have been separated for over 6 months.

Does NY require separation before divorce?

No, New York does not require a period of separation before a divorce if the grounds for the divorce are “no-fault.” If using separation as the grounds for divorce, spouses must have lived apart for at least one year under a formal separation agreement.

How much does a simple divorce cost in NY?

A simple uncontested divorce in New York can cost a minimum of $5500 in court fees alone.

Is online divorce legal in NY?

Yes, online divorce is legal in New York. Online services can assist with preparing divorce papers for uncontested divorces. 

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Let us analyze your case

Throughout the consultation, we will meticulously examine the details of your case, leaving no aspect unexplored.

By employing a thorough approach, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique circumstances and offer tailored recommendations and solutions.

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