Lun-Sâm 9:00-18:00
Ghenadie Rusu is a highly valued attorney licensed in the state of New York, specializing in immigration and family law. With a deep-rooted passion for human rights and a strong commitment to assisting refugees, Ghenadie has dedicated his career to advocating for the rights and well-being of his clients. Born in 1987 in Moldova, his personal experience of growing up in post-Soviet Moldova has shaped his understanding and empathy towards the challenges faced by immigrants.
Ghenadie pursued his legal education at the prestigious State University of Moldova, where he obtained his Law degree. During his time at the university, Ghenadie displayed exceptional dedication to his studies, particularly focusing on Civil Rights. His bachelor’s thesis on „The Status of the Alien and Stateless in Moldova” showcased his strong interest in a branch of legislation that had been overlooked in the past.
In the United States, Ghenadie accomplished another significant milestone in his legal journey by successfully graduating from the renowned Cardozo School of Law. His commitment to excellence and passion for immigration matters led him to pass the rigorous New York Bar Exam, earning him admission to practice law in the state of New York. Ghenadie’s extensive legal education and his subsequent work experience in the immigration field have established him as one of the most compassionate, driven, and trustworthy attorneys in his field.
Pe parcursul consultației, vom examina meticulos detaliile cazului dumneavoastră, fără a lăsa niciun aspect neanalizat.
Prin adoptarea unei abordări riguroase, ne propunem să obținem o înțelegere completă a circumstanțelor dumneavoastră unice și să oferim recomandări și soluții personalizate.
The Difference Is Clear
Our attorney specializes in many areas of law, and has extensive trial experience.
Admitted to practice in all State and Federal Courts of New York & Connecticut.
Our team is multilingual and service our clients in their language.
Our attorney is heavily connected to your personal struggles.
Our team is multilingual and service our clients in their language.
Our attorney is heavily connected to your personal struggles.
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Lun-Sâm 9:00-18:00
Ghenadie a studiat Dreptul la Universitatea de Stat din Moldova. Pe parcursul studiilor, Ghenadie a dedicat o mare parte din timpul său studiului Drepturilor Civile, iar tema tezei sale de licență a fost chiar „Statutul străinului și al apatridului în Moldova”, o ramură a legislației mult prea puțin studiată în trecut.
În Statele Unite, Ghenadie a absolvit cu succes Cardozo School of Law. La scurt timp după aceea, a promovat examenul de Barou din New York și a fost admis să practice avocatura în statul New York. Expertiza dobândită în facultatea de drept și munca sa ulterioară în domeniul imigrației îl recomandă drept unul dintre cei mai dedicați, energici și onești avocați din acest domeniu.
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